October, 2017

The MTA Queensland’s Rules are the heart and soul of our being, stipulating the structure and operational requirements. Across its 88 years of service to employers in the motor trades, our Rules have been amended to comply with state legislative and regulatory changes and certified on several occasions by the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission. It is timely for our Rules to be reviewed, now registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act and following deregistration as a State-registered industrial relations entity.  With the assistance of Dr Paul Murray from our Industrial Relations Department, I’ve been primarily pre-occupied with this precise task.

Amending our Rules is important to ensure our governance arrangements comply with federal legislative requirements and provide transparency and accountability to members. This is a serious and complex matter to which we, as an Association, must attend to operate effectively and within the law.

It is about our credentials and standing as a peak body representing the motor trades. The draft amendments have been circulated to members to peruse with the notice for the Friday 27th October Annual General Meeting (AGM). Comments on the proposed amendments are welcome. The amended Rules will be tabled for approval at the AGM. Thereafter, an application detailing the alterations will be submitted to the Fair Work Commission’s Regulatory Compliance Branch for certification.

I remind members that the AGM is open to all members to attend either in person or by teleconference.  It provides the opportunity to observe proceedings, but more importantly a platform to question the Senior Executive and Board Directors on any matter pertaining to the Association.


The Divisions have been focused on the end-of-financial-year obligations and AGM activities. This has been a secondary preoccupation, keeping me office bound and working with Divisional Chairs, and attending all their meetings, to ensure compliance with our Rules.
One of the responsibilities of the Membership Services Department is to provide the secretarial services to the Divisions ensuring corporate knowledge continuity and the advocacy and capability when required.

As indicated in September’s Viewpoint, the Tyre and Undercar division invited Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) officers from the vehicle standards and transport regulation branch to their annual general meeting.  This was to discuss and clarify issues with the National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction (the Code). The meeting had a strong representation from the members who gained sound information on the Code’s application to the workplace. TMR indicated it would provide further information and this will be distributed to members.


I did have time out of the office with Senior Business Development Manager Anthony Bonaccorso to address a Bridgestone Tyre meeting on membership and training. This was a well attended event with representatives from several Bridgestone Tyre franchises keen to hear of the benefits accruing from membership with the Association and the MTA Institute’s training regimen. The feedback from this meeting was encouraging. Further interest in MTA Queensland’s services and capability as a peak industry body was evident when, with Group Chief Executive Dr Brett Dale and MTA Institute General Manager Training Paul Kulpa, I met with Husqvarna personnel. Apart from collaborations on general automotive value chain issues, discussions centred on training, membership and the power equipment industry.

One of the key requirements of our employer membership is industrial relations advice. Our Industrial Relations department, comprising Manager Ted Kowalski and Officer Dr Paul Murray, have this capability and are conversant on employment legislation, wages and human resources matters etc.  Recently, Ted addressed a Toyota franchise meeting on industrial relations as it applies to the vehicle retail sector. He emphasised, separate to the advice provided, that through MTA Queensland, courses were available to strengthen knowledge of some critical industrial relations aspects. These included understanding of modern awards, national employment standards and the fair work system.

In various Viewpoints, I’ve said that we have achieved excellent working relations with State Government departments relevant to the motor trades. Two of these have been the State Departments of Small Business and Science, Information Technology and Innovation. Through these we have been advised of programs to assist businesses in a range of activities including industry advancement, innovation and employment opportunities for job seekers. Over the past year, we’ve promoted these to members. It is pleasing to see that members have made applications to these most useful programs and that some have been successful in obtaining grant funding. I draw member’s attention to the Queensland Government’s Back to
Work Program. In view of the recent Automotive Industry Report 2017 indicating that there is a priority skills shortage of some 6,000 in Queensland, this would be a helpful program to start an unemployed person on a satisfying career in the automotive value chain.  You may learn about the program by accessing it at backtowork.initiatives.qld.gov.au.


I remind members to ensure that they consider the benefits on offer from our Corporate Partners that have the capacity to help them with their various businesses. Recently I met with the Commonwealth Bank – a long-term corporate partner – to discuss a marketing plan to make sure members are taking advantage of all member only offers.


Over the next month, I’ll be turning my mind to our Federal pre-budget submission – yes, it is that time of year – and to the Industry, Innovation and Science consultation paper on the Digital Economy – Opening the Conversation. I’d welcome members input into these submissions.

Apart from the routine work, in the coming month there are special activities pending.  In this order: there is the MTA Trades 68th Annual Golf Tournament on Thursday 19th Octoberat the Nudgee Golf Club; the AGM on Friday 27th October and the annual President’s Ball the following evening at the Brisbane Hilton. I’ll not be golfing but I understand that there is considerable interest in this, apart from the sport itself, as it provides excellent networking opportunities. Our Group Chief Executive Dr Brett Dale will be there to participate in all the activities!

The President’s Ball is proving very popular. There has been a run on tickets for the event and only a limited number remain. So, if you are thinking about coming, don’t delay and grab a ticket or two. It promises to be a wonderful evening for social interactions with people from across the entire automotive value chain, and of course a celebration of achievement.

I’ve been preparing this Viewpoint on a short break which aligns with school holidays. Family time is always special so I better get back to it.

Until November, take care and stay safe.


© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.