MTA Queensland Going Green

MTA Queensland’s brand new Strategic Plan 2019-2021 has outlined a CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT.

The Statement says, “The MTA Group comprises of MTA Queensland, the MTA Institute and MTAiQ. The way we lead, work and behave is driven by our core values. These values influence the way we meet member and client needs, while respecting the regulatory requirements, and the way we promote ethically sound practices. The MTA Group is committed to integrating responsible and sustainable business practices across our operations. It is our policy to act responsibly in our day-to-day relationships with our members, clients, employees and communities. We have a long history of supporting industry and our leadership in corporate responsibility and sustainable excellence is driven by a bold and influential approach that encompasses high ethical standards and our actions are environmentally and socially conscientious and responsible.”

Corporate Social Responsibility is also identified as a stand-alone Key Strategy.

Some of the Actions encapsulating the Strategy include:
• Establish a green team committee
• Minimise unnecessary travel
• All business decisions are underpinned by environmental, social and economic sustainability
• Create opportunities for disadvantaged young adults
• Create opportunities for women in automotive
• Raising funds and make contribution to approved charities
• Develop a competent, responsible workforce and share corporate knowledge & invest in PD
• Build individual, team, and organisational resilience
• All business objectives are purposeful and relevant to industry
• Policy, practice and opportunities reflect equity and gender balance
• Support mental health wellbeing
• Investment is responsible and aligns with policy and procedures
• Provide opportunities for indigenous learners
• Provide scholarship opportunities for trade persons to become trainers

Some of the Measures of the Strategy include:
• Green team appointed, and meeting outcomes are reported
• Waste is minimal and all possible recycling is actioned
• Programs developed to support staff release for short term charity support
• Meetings are primarily paperless
• Formal charity partners have been identified and strategies to support have been negotiated
• All suppliers are reviewed annually
• Due diligence is common place
• Activity and partnerships have been established to support women in automotive
• Resources promoted and distributed to support mental health wellbeing
• Indigenous pre-vocational and training registrations reflect an increase

To that end, MTA Queensland established a green team early in 2019.

The team have identified 5 core strategies to focus on and have already implemented some significant changes.

1. OFFICE – reduce general waste within the office
• Air con set to power down at 5pm daily
• All plastic crockery, cutlery replaced with dish-washable items
• registered for Recycling for Change scheme (3 bags delivered from Carmageddon event)
• Eco bins & signage installed – paper/cardboard | general waste | cans/water bottles
• staff education
• cleaners instructed on proper procedures for emptying
• all bins removed from under staff desks
• printer paper changed to Planet Ark 100% Australian recycled paper & hand paper towel/toilet tissue
• battery recycling box set up

2. WORKSHOP – improve waste pipeline in the workshop
• What we already do: oils, batteries, copper, metals, fluids, tyres, paint/panel, lighting
• Big arse fans being installed to improve air movement and improved ventilation

• All print settings defaulted to B&W and double -sided printing
• Use links in emails instead of hard copy brochures, flyers
• Encourage all meetings to BYO devices – internal and divisional committees

• All new fleet cars hybrid or EV

• All upgrades and renovations incorporate sustainability
• Lighting – Ongoing change to LEDs replacing fluros eventually whole building

© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.