May 2019

Most industry associations across the nation are closely monitoring the election policy releases of the major political parties to assess potential influences on the economy and their respective sectors. The MTA Queensland is no exception. We too focus on election policy content, particularly those relevant to the automotive industry which includes the motor trades, business and the skills and training sector.

From the perspective of MTA Queensland, we have engaged in policy consultations with decision makers and policy advisers from both sides of politics to press the policy positions of the Association and the views of members on automotive, business and training issues.

To emphasise these policy positions and views, following the calling of the election we submitted to Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten a framework of policy positions relevant to the growth of the nation’s automotive sector. These were reflected in our Queensland Motor Trades Priorities for an Incoming Government document which incorporated: industry skills and training; automotive; small/medium business support; workplace relations; taxation; infrastructure and energy policy. It is on the website for member’s interest. For good measure, copies were forwarded to the Chief Executive Officers of the Australian Labor and Liberal Parties thus enabling both the political and administrative wings of these parties to be aware of the Association’s contributions.

In the election process, this communication is important. It means after the election, we as an industry body can be recognised as conscientious, consistent and credible advocates in the policy process, able to engage confidently in policy consultations with government and its agencies on behalf of members and the automotive industry. This is relevant, particularly as the revolutionary technological digital transformations wash through business, the automotive industry and the consequences for skills and training.

Domestic priorities

The primary domestic priority at present is finalising the end of the financial year accounts and processes and working with the senior executive team to develop the 2019/20 budget to align with the recently approved 2019-2021 Strategic Plan. This document sets out an ambitious agenda of actions that includes service excellence; corporate social responsibility, business excellence; expand our profile; workforce and skilling solutions; creativity and innovation; and grow and diversify.

Key domestic duties are highlighted in the Q3 report card which is on the website. A critical analysis of the current and previous report cards indicates that we have achieved the goals stated in the 2016-18 Strategic Plan. It is my objective assessment we have exceeded the goals. For this, credit is due to our dedicated corporate office team and the leadership of the MTA Queensland Board.
Innovation was a priority action in the previous Strategic Plan; the recent third Carmageddon symposium which was booked out indicates the high involvement of the MTA Queensland membership and aligned stakeholders. The Q3 quarter report highlights too the primacy of service delivery and advocacy. There were 1,218 member engagements, 1,462 phone/email industrial relation queries; and 66 ministerial, senior department, innovation, key industry meetings. Encouragingly, our profile continues to grow with some 4,000 Facebook followers and media print awareness generating a reach of about 964,000.

A new accolade for the MTA Institute

In October’s From the Desk of the CEO, I referred to The MTA Institute’s (MTAI) quality training regime being subjected to appraisal under the Australian Council for Private Education and Training’s (ACPET) Industry Certification Program (the Program), a 360⁰ peer review process. The result of that appraisal is in and the MTA Institute is the first trade Registered Training Organisation in Australia to be approved under the ACPET Program. It means that an ‘ACPET Industry Certified Member’ is recognised for student centric educational quality; ethical practices; continuous improvement culture and professional student services that exceeds regulatory outcomes and measures. This achievement builds on the awards and scholarships of MTAI apprentices. Elliot Lemmon, a former MTAI vehicle apprentice was selected as the winner of the Queensland Automotive Skills Alliance, Queensland Overseas Foundation Industry Partnership Scholarship.

Challenges and Opportunities

As mentioned in November’s From the Desk of the CEO, I participated in discussions with Queensland University of Technology (QUT) academics on the Association’s involvement in a proposed Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery project relevant to 3D printing – which is a central to our Innovation Hub. The original application was submitted some 18 months ago. Now, that has advanced to the extent that under the leadership of Australian National University’s (ANU), funding is being finalised for the ARC Training Centre for Multiscale 3D Imaging, Modelling and Manufacturing. Recently I met with ANU and QUT to finalise the partnership and role in the project. In total it will be a five-year venture in which there will be a number of research projects that will examine the future of industry in the space of 3D printing.

The partnership is one of the largest and most exciting projects relevant to the automotive industry. The objective will be to identify new opportunities in micro manufacturing for our motor trades’ divisions. It will examine how sectors of our industry will benefit by considering issues such as, behavioural economics; circular economy opportunities, particularly to our recycler division;
and where inventory holdings have historically been detrimental to cash flow. A key outcome through our participation and contribution to the venture is the development of expertise in highly skilled people to meet the needs of this emerging specialised sector.

In previous From the Desk of the CEO, I’ve referred to discussions with Telstra about its Co-operative Intelligent Transport Systems. These collaborations are ongoing, with a meeting scheduled for 17 May to visit and learn about Telstra’s 5G innovation centre.

The diary

I was invited to be a co-presenter with international guests at the Brisbane QODE event on the future of mobility with a particular focus on Australia’s electric vehicle (EV) status. QODE is a forum for visionaries, pioneers and innovations’ drivers, with speakers from diverse backgrounds. The session in which I participated was ‘Next-generation transportation – an emerging industry’. It was an interactive session allowed for elaboration on the exponential growth segment of EVs and Autonomous EVs. The prognosis is that the smart commute market is expected to quadruple in size within five years, with opportunities for innovation and economic rewards for early adopting cities and states.

Jobs Queensland held a forum on its Future of Work project which I attended. It provided the opportunity to stress the views in our submission relating to skills and training. I reiterated that there needs to be major investments, reforms and restructures to the formation and delivery of human capital for the automotive value chain if the state’s economic performance, competitiveness and standards of living are to be maintained at their present levels.

And the last thing

I share with you some happenings that suggest our new goal to expand our profile under the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan is on track to be achieved. The MTAI has been short listed for the Queensland Training Awards for ‘Small Training Provider of the Year’. Final interviews will be held shortly which will determine the winner.

We also have individual contenders for the Queensland Training Awards. Proudly I announce that our technical trainers Zak Zuiderduin, Terry Palfrey and Scott Gehrke are all finalists for ‘Trainer of the Year’ and Jack Goodrich, the MTA Queensland 2018 Apprentice of the Year, is a finalist for the ‘Apprentice of the Year’ Award.

In addition, MTA Queensland is a finalist in the Australian Business Awards for ‘Business Innovation’ arising from the establishment of MTAiQ – Australia’s first automotive innovation hub. We have been advised that our nomination has progressed to the next stage of the selection assessment process. The Australian Business Awards are an all-encompassing awards program honouring organisations that demonstrate the core values of business excellence, product excellence, sustainability and commercial success in their respective industries. The winners will be revealed on 5 July 2019 when we will know how we measure against the many other nominees.

Until next month, as Henry Ford, the industrialist and the founder of the Ford motor company said, ‘execute ideas with enthusiasm . . . as it is the bottom of all progress’.

© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.