Chair Paul Peterson, 2019-2020 FY Update

I am pleased to provide the MTA Queensland’s 91st Annual Report of the significant decisions and actions to support the Association and members in the state’s motor trades. The 2019-2020 financial year was an ‘annus horribilis’ never envisaged or experienced in history. In the first half of the financial year business conditions were the most demanding since the mid-21st century stemming from digital and technological disruptions and the aftermath of the drought. Overshadowing these in second half was the Coronavirus or COVID-19, the biological disaster causing health and economic crises with devasting impacts on business, households and workers.

Paramount at this time was the Association’s leadership, to provide the processes and procedures to sustain the organisation and members’ businesses and staffs’ livelihoods throughout the COVID-19 extreme emergency. Guiding all decisions and actions was the principle founded in our Rules and the Strategic Plan 2019-2021 ‘to recognise members and clients as the core of the Association’. Under our business continuity plan, the complete focus was on the members, by way of daily advices to assist them to continue to trade, in a sector deemed by the National Cabinet as an ‘essential industry’. Members overwhelmingly acknowledged the corporate office support through the pandemic emergency and this is reflected in the Chair of the Automotive Parts and Recyclers Division Lawrie Beacham’s Report:

‘… I take this opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful work of the entire MTA Queensland staff. They, like us, are operating in a different work environment and have been EXCEPTIONAL in keeping the automotive industry updated and knowledgeable about legislation, available assistance, news, opportunities and other relevant communications in this new operating environment.’


Intrinsic to governance is trust, accountability, and transparency to which we meticulously adhere in all decisions and actions.

In the 2019-2020 financial year, the Association relied on these Objectives to guide the decision-making and actions to assist members manage the technological disruptions and the COVID-19 economic and health crises.

MTA Queensland Board of Directors

The MTA Queensland Board of Directors has complied with the powers and functions stipulated in the Rules and the requirements of the RO Act. The Board met on four occasions to consider and establish policies for corporate management and public dissemination, and to make decisions on major issues in the interests of members and the motor trades. Two of the meetings were face-to-face and the other two were by Zoom. I acknowledge the expertise of the staff in enabling the video communications meetings. The Board of Directors comprise:

  • Paul Peterson, Chair MTA Queensland; Chair Queensland Motorcycle Industry Division (QMID); Executive Committee Member
  • James Robertson, Secretary MTA Queensland; Chair Australian Automotive Dealer Association Queensland (AADA Queensland); Representative Central Queensland; Executive Committee Member
  • Mark Bryers, Vice Chair MTA Queensland; Chair Engine Reconditioners Association of Queensland (ERAQ); Executive Committee Member
  • Mark Dodge, Director MTA Queensland; Chair Automotive Engineers Division (AED); Representative Far North Queensland
  • Lawrie Beacham, Director MTA Queensland; Chair Automotive Parts Recyclers Division (APRD); Executive Committee Member
  • Peter Dever, Director MTA Queensland; Chair Automotive Remarketing Division (ARD)
  • Andrea McCarthy, Director MTA Queensland; Chair National Auto Collision Alliance (NACA)
  • Bruce Sommerfeld, Director MTA Queensland; Chair Queensland Farm & Industrial Machinery Dealers Division (QFIMDD)
  • Grant Harrison, Director MTA Queensland; Chair Rental Vehicle Industry Division (RVID); Executive Committee Member
  • Tim Kane, Director MTA Queensland; Chair Service Station & Convenience Store Association Queensland (SSCSAQ)
  • Brad Collett, Director MTA Queensland; Chair Tyre & Undercar Division of Queensland (TUDQ)
  • Mark Billingsley, Director MTA Queensland; Representative North Queensland

Joining the Board of Directors for the first time was Andrea McCarthy, the Chair of the NACA, who with her husband Craig, is the co-owner of McCarthy Panel Works, North Mackay. Andrea will be the voice for her industry, the wider business community and represent women in a predominantly male industry. She is committed to progressing the industry so that it can benefit from a better, safer, more effective, and efficient workplace. Andrea, in the role of NACA Chair, is the first female MTA Queensland Director for almost forty years. Mrs Pat Wyatt, as Chair the Service Station Division served from 1984-1986 on the MTA Queensland Board.

The Board’s business agenda included matters relating to governance, policy determination, and strategic direction for the delivery of accountable corporate administrative performance. The Board’s Directors have been conscientious and diligent in the consideration of all matters before it. Significant decisions include:

  • Agreed to and finalised the Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre Agreement. This relates to the ARC Training Centre for Multiscale 3D Imaging, Modelling and Manufacturing. It is a five-year project to be overseen by Professor Mark Knackstedt from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering. The Board of Directors in agreeing to this project perceived it to be one of the largest and most exciting projects relevant to the automotive industry.
  • Agreed, after careful due diligence, to invest in the Green Distillation Technologies Corporation (GDTC) which recycles end-of-life car and truck tyres into saleable commodities of carbon, oil and steel.
  • Approved the expansion of the Member Engagement Strategy to directly engage with members and augment the flow of information between the membership and the corporate office.
  • Approved support measures to assist members through the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Approved continued engagement in the Cooperative and Automated Vehicle Initiative (CAVI) with the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR).
  • Approved continued engagement with the partnership between the MTA Queensland and the Ipswich City Council under a State Government Advancing Regional Innovation Program on issues related to mobility, innovation and connected vehicles.
  • Reviewed MTA Queensland’s innovation purpose to ensure compatibility with 2019-21 Strategic Plan and to emphasise it being connected to and engaging with members. The new MTAiQ purpose statement is ‘to lead innovation and provide solutions for industry to navigate emerging disruption’.
  • Deferred the Carmageddon 4 symposium to July 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Deferred the Industry Awards Gala to November 2021.

The Board of Directors has been astute and prudent in the management of the MTA Queensland’s finances and has ended the financial year in a sound commercial position, able to meet all obligations and fulfil its role as the peak body representing members and the State’s motor trades.

Directors, in their roles as Chairs of their respective motor trades, have met their responsibilities for their sector’s governance and activities. I commend to members the comprehensive statements from the Directors who Chair the eleven motor trades divisions following my report.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee has the power to act on behalf of the full Board and meets as required to address organisational, commercial, policy or strategic directions or other matters. The Executive Committee has provided steady and capable stewardship in its deliberations and comprises:

  • Paul Peterson, Chair MTA Queensland; Chair QMID
  • James Robertson, Secretary MTA Queensland; Chair AADA Queensland; Representative Central Queensland
  • Mark Bryers, Vice Chair MTA Queensland; Chair ERAQ
  • Lawrie Beacham, Chair APRD
  • Grant Harrison, Chair RVID

Executive Team

The executive team has provided exceptional leadership across all the Association’s activities enabling the goals set out in Strategic Plan 2019-2021 to be achieved. They inspired the Group’s staff to face challenging circumstances with confidence. The team approach applied to all tasks ensured a seamless delivery of services to members.

The executive team meets regularly to consider governance matters, operational and strategic issues, and to guide actions to achieve outcomes for the membership. An overarching priority is to ensure and maintain the high standards of professional etiquette and the culture of trust and respect across the Group. The executive team comprises:

  • Dr Brett Dale, Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Kellie Dewar, Deputy Group CEO and General Manager (GM) Member Services
  • Kathy Winkcup, Group Chief Financial Officer and GM Innovation
  • Paul Kulpa, GM MTA Institute

Brett has provided committed and innovative leadership to successfully bring the Association through a year of challenging technological disruption and external economic and health crises. Dr Dale has been the Group’s CEO for almost five years. In that time, through his expert advocacy skills, strategic networking and collaboration with stakeholders, the Association has emerged as the leading industry voice whose viewpoints are sought by government agencies,  professional groups and institutions. Dr Dale has engendered teamwork through the corporate office and in so doing has achieved the delivery of the Association’s objectives. He has ensured high governance and ethical standards across the Group.

Kellie’s 17 years of experience with the Association has provided her with unparalleled wisdom in understanding and engaging with members on their concerns and issues and delivering the services and support to assist them in their businesses. Under her stewardship, the Association has complied with the governance activities set out in the Rules and the regulatory obligations established by the RO Act. She has been diligent in assisting each of the motor trade Divisions in their functions and issues. Kellie has been and is a strong advocate for women in the motor trades.

Kathy has been proficient in ensuring the financial records for the Group’s business and corporate office operations are of a high standard and meet all reporting obligations. Her competence and diligence have ensured the necessary accountability, enabling informed decisions by the Group’s management, and aiding the auditor in the review of the Association’s financial records.

Paul has provided consistent managerial excellence through a year of extraordinary challenges to deliver a high level of training and skilling to almost one-third of the total automotive apprentices in Queensland. This is reflected by the MTA Institute being awarded Small Training Provider of the Year by the Queensland Training Awards in September 2019 and maintaining its position as the largest independent automotive training provider in Queensland.

The executive team is supported by a diligent and committed staff who adjusted to the COVID-19 economic and health crises and excelled. The deliverables established in the Strategic Plan 2019-2021 are detailed in the 2019-2020 Report Card pictured. On behalf of the Board of Directors I thank each of the Group’s corporate office staff for their professional service, and loyalty and courtesy.

I commend to members the statements of the executive team following on from my report.

Group Financial Statement

Secretary James Robertson and Chief Financial Officer Kathy Winkcup have the responsibility for MTA Queensland’s accounting policies, systems, practices and maintenance of the comprehensive statements of revenue and expenditure. Best practice strategic business and financial management underpins all processes and procedures and complies with the RO Acts regulatory requirements. I commend to members, the Secretary’s and the Chief Financial Officer’s Financial Report for the year ended June 2020 and thank them for their integrity, commitment and diligence to their respective duties and roles.

The Association’s financial statements have been audited by BDO Audit Pty Ltd, Brisbane based accountants specialising in audit, tax and advisory services. I commend to members the Independent Auditor’s Report. On behalf of the Board, I thank BDO for their assiduity and professionalism.

Core Pillars

1. Advocacy 

Technological and digital disruption, the COVID-19 economic and health crises, and changing government policies have demanded the advocacy role increase exponentially to represent members’ viewpoints to all levels of government, decisionmakers, departments, and agencies.

A priority was the Federal Government’s review of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. The Association successfully engaged with Federal and State Ministers and ministerial staff, participated in roundtables and inquiries, and responded to discussion papers to influence reforms to the VET system. The concentrated effort was rewarded. The final policy recognised the need for employers, apprentices and trainees to have confidence in the training system and recognised registered training organisations’ capacity to increase productivity in the trades. The long-held policy position for VET to sit alongside tertiary education in the aspirations of students was acknowledged as an initiative to be achieved.

Stakeholder networking has diversified as a consequence of the Carmageddon symposia. Its purpose has had a dual effect of informing members of emerging technologies related to the digital economy and, additionally, bringing together experts from academia, business, law, and industry who now, are enmeshed in the Association’s stakeholder architecture. Due to the economic and health crises, the 2020 Carmageddon symposium was deferred.

Collaborations with state and territory trades groups on automotive policies and mutual interest matters have continued. The Association has responded competently to all government or agency discussion papers relevant to members and the motor trades. Deputy Group CEO and GM Member Services Kellie Dewar details the responses in her statement following on from my report and have been posted on the website for members’ interest.

The Association submitted pre-budget submissions to both Federal and State Governments detailing the budget and policy priorities for the motor trades. Policy priorities were forwarded to major Parliamentary leaders and political parties for the 2019 federal election.

Recognition of MTA Queensland as a motor trades advocate and leader has increased significantly. Dr Brett Dale Group CEO has been the guest speaker or panelist at national and state industry conventions and industry roundtables.

2. Services & 3. Support

During the past year as established in the Strategic Plan 2019-2021, the priority has been the delivery of services to members to assist businesses through technological and digital disruptions and the COVID-19 economic and health crises that beset business activity, suppressing business confidence and conditions. The focus for Member Services, Business Development, Industrial Relations, Marketing Communications, and Information Technology staff was service delivery and provision of expert and timely information and advices to assist with business decision making and operations. Members were surveyed and directly contacted to ensure services delivered were beneficial for their needs.

The contributions of the corporate office in the compilation of the briefings at a time of isolation and health restrictions is acknowledged and appreciated by the Board of Directors. The Chair of the RVID Grant Harrison in his Divisional Report stated:

I would like to thank MTA Queensland for the support they have provided to both myself and the industry over the past 12 months. The team have provided regular, quality content on both federal and state-based initiatives, support and information for industry.

It is of interest to observe, that the first time in living memory, the decision was made not to publish Motor Trader in April and May 2020 due to the pandemic incursion. The MTA Queensland’s website has been provides members with the training, legislative and regulatory information, industry and Association news and access to publications.

The 2019-2020 financial year report card highlights members’ engagement with the corporate office. In all there were 9,242 of which 5,812 or 63% were industrial relations related, which indicates this service is one of the many benefits of being an MTA Queensland member.

4. Training 

The MTA Institute’s commitment to building individual skills and providing the resources to support industry assured that it maintained its position as the largest independent automotive training provider in Queensland. Primarily this was due to staff consistency and experiences, well executed policies and processes, and service quality to maintain a consistently high level of training delivery and professionalism. These essential characteristics form the basis for the MTA Institute’s function as a Registered Training Organisation responsible for training almost one-third of the total automotive apprentices in Queensland. The caliber of the MTA Institute’s training regimen was recognised at the 2019 Queensland Training Awards ceremony by being named as the Small Training Provider of the Year.

The State Government recognised the MTA Institute for its quality training as an automotive training provider of choice, with the appointment as an Industry Skills Advisor for the automotive industry to the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT). The MTA Institute’s Operations Manager Marcello Riotto assumed the Industry Skills Advisor task to assist the DESBT with its Great Training for Quality Jobs Strategy. The role includes engagement with the motor trades to provide advice and feedback to create future jobs and increase productivity in the industry. The position of Industry Skills Advisor provided the opportunity to engage with the DESBT on the important issues of the Queensland VET Quality Framework, the National VET reform agenda and the review and development of the training package product.

The MTA Institute’s Board of Directors comprise:

  • Rod Camm, Chair
  • James Robertson, Deputy Chair
  • Professor Michael Milford, Director
  • Paul Peterson, Director

The Chair of the Board of Directors Rod Camm assumed the role on 1 July 2019 following the retirement of Ian Lawrence after five years of service. Mr Camm’s leadership in the VET sector has been of significant value to the Board of Directors’ deliberations relating to government VET policy changes. The Board of Directors have ensured the Strategic Plan and the corporate governance of MTA Institute has aligned with the Association’s expectations.

5. Innovation

Australia’s first automotive dedicated innovation hub – the MTAiQ, now in its third year of operation – has transitioned from start-ups to engender a research capacity with a strong focus on recycling. A by-product of the research may lead to fostering manufacturing of scrap-adapted/recycled vehicles. The research capacity at the innovation hub has the prospect of benefiting from three significant projects in which the Association is either engaged or invested. These are:

The Australian Research Council Training Centre (ARC) Training Centre for Multiscale 3D Imaging, Modelling and Manufacturing project in which the MTA Queensland has partnered with the Australian National University and the Queensland University of Technology. The objective will include identification of new opportunities in micro manufacturing for the Association’s motor trades Divisions;

the MTA Queensland and the Ipswich City Council partnership under a State Government Advancing Regional Innovation Program on issues related to mobility, innovation and connected vehicles; and

The investment in the Green Distillation Technologies Corporation (GDTC) which recycles end-of-life car and truck tyres into saleable commodities of carbon, oil and steel.

The Association has continued to deliver the Federal Government’s Small Business Digital Champions project to help small businesses to engage with digital technology and maximise their business capabilities. Integral to this project has been the one-on-one interactive services available to members to discuss digital resources, advice and assistance. The information and technology team has led the project and conducted workshops on the creation of a digital presence in
changing business landscapes.

Two significant awards brought credit to the Association for its innovative business initiatives. These are:

The MTA Queensland was a finalist in the Lord Mayor’s Business Awards for the creation of MTAiQ, Australia’s first automotive innovation hub.

The MTA Queensland was awarded an Australian Business Award for Business Innovation, which recognises organisations that implement business initiatives that demonstrate innovative solutions for new and existing business needs.

These are significant achievements, recognising MTA Queensland’s leadership as the peak industry organisation furthering and supporting business innovations.


Youngcare, established in 2005 has been the MTA Queensland’s charity of choice since its inception. It assists young people with high care needs. The Industry Awards Gala auction, and funds raised from the cars and coffee gatherings, have been raised for Youngcare to assist with the provision of greater choice in housing and care options.

MTA Queensland is proud to have contributed just under $20 000 to Youngcare in this financial year.

In Memoriam

To members who have incurred bereavement in the past year, sincere condolences are extended to each of you.

The Future

The MTA Queensland’s commitment is to stand resolutely with members, providing them with the support to recover from COVID-19’s economic and health crises and assist them progress their businesses and entrepreneurial skills. The Association has the foundational and operational framework and the competency to devote its efforts to members’ needs and to advocate their and the industry’s interests to governments.

The State’s automotive industry in normal circumstances, contributes approximately $21 billion to the economy and has about 15,000 automotive businesses employing some 85,000 persons. Now emerging from the COVID-19 crisis there is much rebuilding to do and uncertainties must be bridged. The automotive industry looks to the upcoming October 6th, 2020 Federal Budget to set the fiscal policies and the initiatives to engender the confidence and the certainty in the economy for entrepreneurs to invest, create jobs and employ. The State Budget due after the 31 October 2020 General Election will be closely watched for a break from the on costs that are a drag on business, including compliance and regulatory obligations, duplication, and operational and environmental imposts. These two Budgets will form the basis on which entrepreneurs will make decisions about their future business operations.

Into the future, there will be ongoing commercial and social demand for the motor trades to provide products and the services for logistics and mobility that meet both the current needs and future requirements of clients and industry. The industry must be forever looking forward to new practices, innovations and technologies and collaborating with the researchers, academia, and scientists on the utility and affordability of any commercial, technological, or environmental innovations.

The Association made a leadership decision to engage in cutting edge solutions for the sustainable management of waste and engender new business opportunities for members – in the longer term. The first was the investment in a world-first process that turns end-of-life car and truck tyres into high value oil, carbon and steel; and the second, the WasteMotive Initiative which aims to better manage the automotive industry’s plastic waste.

The digitalization of the economy is rapidly accelerating, and businesses must have the technologies and the skills to be effective and efficient. The purpose of the Association as an Industry Advisor for the Federal Government’s Small Business Digital Champions project, is to assist small businesses with their technologies and systems to reach their potential.

The future of MTA Queensland as an Industrial Organisation of Employers rests on the foundation of the Rules, the Strategic Plan 2019-2021, and the Professional Circle. These embody our core for being which will be steadfastly pursued in the best interests of members and for the public served.

I commend this report to members.

Paul Peterson 

Chair, MTA Queensland

© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.