May 2021

In my conversation with you last month, I reflected on the influence and leadership of women in the automotive industry and our pride in their successes and contributions. One month later, as I prepare this column, I now must say it has been with absolute horror I’ve observed the sheer terror of the most recent domestic violence incidents on the Gold Coast and South Australia. This has had a major impact on our people here at the MTA Queensland and we believe all of us need to help make a stand. And we will.

The MTA Institute is the State’s largest independent provider of automotive training. We’re currently training in excess of 2,000 young apprentices, preparing them for careers in the automotive trades and as future entrepreneurs. We are very mindful, in our training role, that what we stand for can have a very real impact on the development of young men. Over the years, the Institute has been the provider of Commonwealth and State mentoring programs, providing support for the development of technical skills, supporting off-the-job learning needs, career and pathway advice, and confidence building. In this role, we’ve helped young apprentices with personal issues and struggles but now we’ll include another direction. That is, to be proactive and openly discuss with our young apprentices the prevention of family or gender violence.

Recent domestic violence happenings have left an indelible mark on many of our male employees and apprentices. Indeed, they have requested the opportunity to hear more about stopping violence before it starts and changing the norms and structures that allow it to happen. To do that, we’ll be supporting White Ribbon Australia which is part of the world’s largest movement engaging men and boys to end men’s violence against women and girls. It promotes gender equality and the creation of new opportunities for men to build positive, healthy and respectful relationships.

White Ribbon Day is held on the last Friday before 25 November each year in Australia. This time it is on Friday, 21 November, when communities, organisations, industry, business and services ‘say no to gendered violence’ in our nation. In the lead up to that day, as an organisation we’ll meet together so that we can learn more, support White Ribbon, and consider how we can engage with men in our industry to become active in the change needed to stop violence against women and children.

Women in Automotive

We are committed to growing the number of women employed in our industry. More diverse workplaces that are safe and respectful of women’s contributions and advancements are critical to improving society’s understanding of appropriate workplaces and societal standards. Actions, however, speak more than words. In April’s From the Desk of the CEO, I mentioned the inspiration I drew from women working and achieving in our industry to introduce a prevocational program designed for women. I’ve now brought its commencement forward to coincide with the National Association of Women in Construction ‘Women on Tools’ breakfast we are hosting on 17 May at our Sir Jack Brabham Automotive Centre of Excellence.

We’re honoured to have as a special guest, the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Development Di Farmer who will launch the inaugural prevocational program for women seeking employment in the motor trades. The breakfast, whilst having an automotive focus, will acknowledge all ‘women on tools’ working in their chosen trade or profession. For more details about attending the event, it is on our website HERE. It’s open to families and a ‘toolbox’ breakfast will be provided but, in the first instance, please register.

Industry Education Program

We’ve initiated a comprehensive industry education program specifically to assist members with the management of their businesses and compliance obligations. Members can access a host of webinars through our Member portal. These are without cost and many are exclusive to our membership. Recently, our workplace relations team delivered a session on how to avoid wage theft to a well-attended and informative hour of facts and advice. I draw member’s attention to two webinars, the first on 17 May at 1.00 pm is exclusive to members on the subject: ‘Getting to the bottom of misconduct’ presented by Ian Naylor, Senior Workplace Advisor to the MTA Queensland. It covers the processes for managing workplace investigations, including principles for natural justice, investigation steps, and outcomes and available disciplines.

The second is a Workplace Planning webinar presented by Workforce Planning Connect. It will provide an overview of the benefits of workforce planning for small and medium-sized enterprises. Webinar participants will be given an introduction to Jobs Queensland’s Workforce Planning Connect toolkit, which aims to support businesses through the workforce planning process. Times for this webinar are: 17 May 1.30 pm, 18 May 9.00 am and 4.00 pm. The toolkit can be downloaded HERE.

Other sessions to keep an eye out for include: ‘Tune up your business with my Business’ and ‘10 powerful ways to drive traffic to your Website’ presented by ASBAS Digital Solutions. The details are on the website.

On the Road Again

The MTA Queensland’s caravan is packed and ready for the road to meet members in Cairns and Townsville. The primary focus of the visits is to deliver information sessions to our valued members outside of the metropolitan area. These relate to: how to avoid unfair dismissal claims; how to influence government decisions; our new services; and to encourage members to promote the Professional Circle so that Queenslanders know the value in selecting an MTA Queensland member for their retail, service, maintenance or repair needs. We are looking forward very much to speaking with members and non-members and hearing your views over a relaxing drink and canapes.

And the Last Thing

The most significant item on the Australian Government’s agenda is the delivery of the 2021-2022 Budget detailing estimates of revenue and outlays for the fiscal year. As we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital the budget provides industry and business with the confidence to invest and employ and households and individuals with the surety their standard of living and quality of life will be sustained. It will be delivered on Tuesday 11 May. As is the practice we’ll provide a synopsis of its content in terms of the automotive value chain.

I look forward to continuing the conversation in next month’s Motor Trader.

5 May 2021

© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.