Everyone has heard about ‘Social Media’. It’s a collective name for platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and a host of others, and the chances are you use at least a couple of these every day – perhaps you use Facebook to let your friends know about something happening in your life, or watch a video via YouTube.

They have become an indispensable part of our lives and the words ‘followers’, ‘tweets’, ‘likes’, ‘hashtags’, ‘posts’ and ‘shares’ have become part of our vocabulary.

While these platforms may have started as a fun way to keep in touch with friends and family and entertain them with an amusing video or two, it was not long before their value as a business marketing tool became clear. They cost nothing to join, and the ability to reach millions of potential customers – with the only investment required one of time to craft an informative post – makes their value obvious.

Of course, while a business may know the importance of social media – more than 17million Australians are active social media users – what is perhaps more vital is to know how to use the platforms well to advance that business’s interests.

And that was the purpose of the MTA Queensland’s first ‘Lunch & Learn’ event, held in September. A new program of short events, the ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions are intended to introduce members to technology and concepts that are important to the success of their business. They are to be held at a time when owners or representatives can slip out for a lunch break and receive a solid hour of content and learning without too much interruption to their daily business operations.

The inaugural Social Media for Automotive Businesses Lunch & Learn event was a great success. Held in conjunction with Business Station Inc, Australian Small Business Advisory Services Digital Solutions and Regional Development Australia (Southern, Central and Whitsunday), more than 35 business owners and representatives attended the session at the MTAiQ Innovation Hub.

The session was delivered by Lysa Dugandzic, Marketing & Communications Manager for MTA Queensland, and attendees were introduced not only to the basics of the social media platforms but given some of the tricks and tips to forming a solid and successful presence on them.

“We are constantly hearing from members that social media is a difficult area in which to become proficient,” said Lysa. “When you think about the fact that the Internet only took on a recognisable form in the 1990s and Facebook didn’t exist before 2004, this is really a modern phenomenon and automotive businesses that have been around a long time have come to the realisation that traditional forms of marketing and advertising aren’t necessarily the best in today’s landscape.

“People in automotive businesses know they must have a marketing strategy that includes social media and online advertising, but for many it is very confusing and they are not quite sure where to start,” she added. “Often, business owners do not have the time or the money to undertake courses or hire consultants, so are learning on-the-go. It also doesn’t help that social media platforms are constantly changing, so there is no such thing as ‘mastering’ how to do it. I think that is why we have seen a great turn-out for this event – there is always something new to learn!”

Attendees were given guidance on which of the social media platforms may work best for them; how to produce adverts, create engaging content and how best to connect with potential customers; as well as information on the way the algorithms of the various platforms work and how best to take advantage of them.

It was a very thorough introduction and was met with very positive feedback.

Emma Tout, from MTA Queensland member Truck & Earth Heavy Mechanical, travelled in to Brisbane from Beaudesert to attend and was keen to get back to put into practice what she had learned.

“We were actually in the process of getting a media person to take care of all our Facebook, Instagram and website work,” said Emma. “However, we then saw this event being advertised on Facebook and decided to come along. And it has been great. It covered a lot of areas that we had been trying to work out how to do for ourselves and I’m now ready to give it a go.”

This first Lunch & Learn event will be followed up over the next few months with sessions on other technologies and areas important to the automotive sector. The partnerships between MTA Queensland and other organisations will see the social media workshop available to businesses across the state.

“Our partnerships with Business Station Inc, Australian Small Business Advisory Services Digital Solutions and Regional Development Australia will ensure we can reach members of MTA Queensland as well other businesses across Queensland by undertaking joint marketing to get further reach and increased attendance,” said Lysa. “The Social Media for Automotive Businesses workshop will continue around Queensland in various regional locations.

“MTA Queensland, in conjunction with MTAiQ, is aiming to hold monthly workshops covering topics that connect to emerging technologies and support members’ education in the ‘new world’ of the automotive industry, with a big focus on small business with future topics to include blockchain and telematics.”

For more information, go to the MTA Queensland website and keep an eye on the MTA Queensland Facebook page.

Source: Motor Trade E-Magazine (October Edition)

9 Oct 2018

© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.