September, 2017

The automotive value chain has evolved in line with advances in technology and engineering.  MTA Queensland, in the best interests of its membership, has led and kept pace with these changes. And now is no exception as it moves to lead the way in innovations which embrace new use of technologies, improved industry approaches and better systems and processes for the motor trades.

In keeping with this leadership, the planning and implementation of the first automotive innovation hub in Australia is well underway to be located in purpose-applied space at The Sir Jack Brabham Automotive Centre of Excellence.  The objective of the hub, first and foremost, is to support member businesses to prepare for the digital disruption and emerging technologies. Through our Carmageddon symposiums we have secured the interest of six startups that are at different stages of development which will come together with the support of
MTA Queensland through an entity called MTAiQ.

To gain the best information that will aid the support and investment in the automotive innovation hub, we have met with numerous experts and investors. A network of experts is being harnessed who will act as legal, financial, and investment, mentoring coaching and business development contacts for individuals and businesses trying to commercialise creativity. An incorporated legal practice is being established with long-term corporate partners Bennett & Philp Lawyers that will allow the Association to provide different levels of organic legal support to complement the arrangements within the innovation hub.

The interest from members and non-members in innovation is providing confidence that local investment will see the automotive industry positioned to capitalise on the new technologies. The MTA Queensland staff has been introduced to the concept of the automotive innovation hub through open collaboration with other hubs.

They support the innovation dimension, believing it to be a critical element in the Association’s destiny to assure its longevity and relevance to members.

The aim is for the innovation hub to be officially opened in October by either the Queensland Minister for Innovation, Science and the Digital Economy and Minister for Small Business the Hon Leeanne Enoch or the Chief Entrepreneur Steve Baxter.  It is the Association’s experience that the State Departments of Small Business and Science, Information Technology and Innovation have proved proactive in delivering on their policy goals in assisting to progress the automotive innovation hub.

Over the past month, I’ve had several meetings with potential startups and have been encouraged with the level of interest in working with the MTA Queensland.  Interestingly, we have not yet sought to find businesses to come to our innovation hub, rather they have come to us.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be meeting with local government councils on innovative parking solutions as a consequence of a startup business taking space in the hub. A partnership has been established with the Ipswich-based Fire Station 101 and collaborations have been held with the Mackay Innovation Centre who are interested in what is being done in our hub. I urge members with an idea that needs support to let us know.


Recently, I was invited by the Queensland University of Technology – Law Faculty to be a speaker at its symposium on the impact of 3D printing – Opportunity knocks – 3D printing will revolutionise the automotive industry!  I was pleased to do so as this is the first time in the history of the MTA Queensland that the automotive industry has been linked so closely to academia.
I mentioned in my address that there is a 3D startup in our automotive innovation hub. At present, there is a blasé attitude to this technology, but, as a disruptor, it will impact significantly on the entire automotive value chain – the part suppliers, the vehicle body sector, tools and servicing and eventually the vehicle manufacturing sector itself.

According to the experts, digital disruption and emerging technologies will impact business by 2020 with the major rollout and effect in place by 2022. It is for this reason that the MTA Queensland is providing the leadership on innovation so that members can adapt their business models to ensure ongoing sustainability and the Association relevance to members into the future.


A key training meeting I attended was the Cross Industry Automation Skilling project reference group (PRG) to identify skill needs that are shared by multiple industry sectors in relation to automation. The PRG has representations from all Industry Reference Committees which includes Automotive Light Vehicle and Automotive Strategic sectors for which I represent. Each member will be required to contribute insights and perspectives from their industry and to report back to their nominating IRC. For the automotive sector and MTA Queensland, a matter under consideration is the current training packages and the impact of automation on existing units of competency.

Undoubtedly, MTA Queensland is building as an authority on the impact of automation on the automotive industry. This is evidenced by being invited to participate in four research projects with different universities from across Australia on automation and emerging technologies and with a United Kingdom research firm on cloud computing into the future.

Additionally, I met with the Sarina Russo group to discuss strategies to support employers with hiring new apprentices. And just a small commercial plug here – don’t forget our Jobs Board on our website where there is great potential to find your next best employee.

Appointments and Invitations

On my diary are several appointments and invitations at which I’ll be proud to represent the MTA Queensland membership.

I’m looking forward to dinner with the Reserve Bank Board and senior members of the Brisbane community where I’ll contribute to discussions from the perspective of the membership and the automotive value chain. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will hold a roundtable on 25 September at which I’ll be a participant. This relates to the contents of its draft report on the market study of the new car retailing. A long-awaited meeting is with the Federal Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills the Hon Karen Andrews. That is set down for 18 September. One invitation of some fascination and interest is from the Project Partners for the smart shuttle preview at the Newington Armory, Silverwater (Sydney) – and the opportunity to have a ride in it.

On the schedule are numerous speaking events which I’ve accepted to address on issues relating to the automotive value chain.


It is clear to me from the many meetings and collaborations with national and state stakeholders that there is great confidence in the policy and industry work MTA Queensland is doing. The efforts on innovation is a new dimension which we are progressing to open fresh opportunities but does not overshadow advocacy and the extraordinarily successful policy outcomes over the past year. Deputy Group Chief Executive Kellie Dewar in Viewpoint refers to some issues that the Divisions have accomplished for their individual trades and in some instances for the wider automotive sector. These are but a few of the significant policy achievements over the past year. These range from our views being incorporated into the Australian Consumer Law, as Kellie says, to the VBOX device being approved by the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

And the last thing

Over the next month my focus will include implementing the decisions of the recent Board meeting, finalising the responsibilities associated with October Annual General Meetings and fulfilling the commitments in the diary. Without a doubt, I’ll be practising golf swings, as Kellie alludes to in Viewpoint, in the run up to 19 October Golf Day at Nudgee. I look forward to seeing members and stakeholders there for an enjoyable game and networking.  Likewise, I encourage members to get ahead of the crowd and secure tickets for the 28 October Annual President’s Ball!  Until October, as Henry Ford, the industrialist and the founder of the Ford Motor Company said, ‘execute ideas with enthusiasm . . . as it is the bottom of all progress’.

© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.