June 2021

We often reflect that while virtual meetings can be very productive, at times a face-to-face discussion can make all the difference. The MTA Queensland team has been ‘on the road’ in regional Queensland to meet and speak with members and hear their views. Recently we visited Cairns and Townsville for meetings from which I came away very motivated to be more proactive in our service delivery, encouraged by members’ enthusiasm, ‘no holds barred’ discussions and their commitment to their industries and businesses. Thank you to all who attended and to the organisers of each event.

At each discussion, there was a fantastic turnout including, I’m pleased to say, some non-members, for a hospitable networking event structured around two key workshops. The first, and undoubtedly a priority for members, was on workplace relations: This is a subject that members continue to identify as a high priority as evidenced by the continual flow of enquiries our team receives every day. The second element was a networking session overviewing what we currently offer, what changes we are planning and what members are looking for in being an MTA Queensland member. This session demonstrated real energy and willingness to discuss the actions and services that work and what doesn’t.

We learnt a great deal from these frank discussions, and they will shape our service reforms. So, what are members looking for? Encouragingly, more opportunities and a regular schedule of meetings and local training with the MTA Queensland team on key local issues. We recognise the timing of these are important, as it is a real challenge to attend during business hours. Participants emphasised that sessions are best timed for 5.30pm which should work for most members.

I was pleased that members raised the issue of access to training, both local and online. I know first-hand the reliance of the automotive value chain on a skilled workforce, particularly when human capital is in such high demand. The training priorities mentioned included the recognised courses such as apprenticeships but there was a real push for short, just-in-time courses in areas such as welding, electric vehicles, emerging technology and soft skills like customer service, problem solving and what are the important components in pricing a member’s services.

Members highlighted the need for school engagement to introduce the fast-changing careers on offer to aspiring school students and career counsellors, and to promote the courses/programs that lead to vocations in the automotive sectors. Engagement courses such as vehicle maintenance for school leavers was suggested similar to Auto Camp which the MTA Institute holds during school holidays for high school students aged between 14-17 years. Our challenge now is how to offer these across Queensland.

Whilst our workplace relations support to members is highly valued, suggestions were put forward for additional assistance such as more comprehensive add-on services such as desk top reviews, workplace health and safety inductions and audits, and policy reviews and development.

We are now in the process of building the feedback into our services review which will be supplemented by further sessions across Queensland. We look forward to more opportunities to hear from members to shape our collective futures.

A fantastic turnout in Townsville for the final leg of our regional tour.

Service and Support

In prior From the CEO’s Desk, I’ve spoken about the importance of quality services and support for members as the key feature of what we stand for. In fact, this is central to our reason for being. To us, the success of members in their businesses is our most important key performance indicator. Of course, we can’t identify what success looks like without talking to you and that is why we are travelling to speak with and listen to your views and also why divisional meetings are so important.

During the COVID-19 restrictions (the current lockdown in Melbourne is a timely reminder that this can happen at any time) and the recovery phase, we provided regular bulletins and advice on health measures and the economic stimulus packages which members valued. We learnt much from that experience but now we must continue to be relevant and meaningful to members beyond a constant flow of emails and announcements. What does this mean? Simply, we want to keep members close and work with you on a one-to-one basis where this is needed and offer a range of support tools and customised services from the very outset of membership. We want to offer services, information and advices that are useful.


We’re still progressing our review of services. New services are being established to inform members on policy developments and web and social media strategies. The webinars on business issues have proved helpful to some members and there is for the month of June a comprehensive webinar schedule. I draw members’ attention to the two Australian Taxation Office (ATO) webinars: the first on ‘Cash flow for small business success’ (check the website as there are various dates), and the second on ‘Budgeting for your commitments’ on 15 June at midday. Registration details are on the website.

We are progressing short course training on emerging topics. These include: the Advanced Driver-Assistance System (ADAS) Glass course and ADAS Awareness course; and the Battery Electric Vehicle Inspection and Servicing Skill Set course. To assist members with their business operations there are webinars on video creation, branding and selling safely online.

Industry Divisions

I’m currently into my second round of industry divisions meetings and I must say I am enjoying the interaction and listening to the key issues. It is imperative that all industry and policy matters that need attention are identified so that we can raise these with the appropriate department and agency. Particularly encouraging has been the increased interest and growing participation in meetings and the strong focus on industry development and associated issues.

For all our members outside of the south-east you are welcome to attend your specific industry division meeting via Microsoft Teams. This is your opportunity to share your ideas, raise issues that need advocacy, and to network with others.

All the dates are published on the website.

And the last thing

The ATO has introduced a new tool – Online services for business and replaces the Business Portal and electronic superannuation audit tool (eSAT). Its purpose is to make it easier for users to interact with the ATO providing a secure, modern channel to manage tax and super obligations. The new service can be accessed on multiple devices, including a smart device such as the mobile or tablet.
To start using Online services for business, log in with your myGov ID, similar to accessing the Business Portal.

I look forward to continuing the conversation in next month’s Motor Trader.

9 June 2021

© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.