December 2019

Christmas and New Year is a time of celebration, for giving and sharing. Balanced against that will be thoughts for individuals, families, and businesses who have endured the floods, the continuing drought, and fires which have impacted lives and beset many communities. Amongst them are MTA Queensland members and their families, some of whom have experienced firsthand the personal and economic consequences that ensue from natural disasters.

Prosperity for the motor trades for the 2019 calendar year has not been even-handed. For farm machinery dealers within the Queensland Farm and Industrial Machinery Dealers’ Division, who rely on a resilient agricultural sector, it’s been a ‘year that will be recorded in history that farm machinery dealers hope never to witness again’. With some exceptions, motor vehicle dealers within the Australian Automotive Dealers’ Association have incurred difficult trading conditions with car sales declining 20 months in a row. The current slowdown probably reflects the continuing ‘big dry’ and tighter lending by banks and financiers following the Financial Services Royal Commission. The Commonwealth Bank’s Household Spending Index refers to motor vehicle purchase intentions as being ‘deep in negative territory’.

Yet, there is reason to rejoice. There has been a quiet but sure uptake of interest and involvement of women across the automotive value chain. This was on show at the 2019 MTA Queensland Industry Awards Dinner. The inaugural winner of the Women in Industry Award was Rebecca Frizelle, the Chief Operating Officer of Frizelle Sunshine Automotive Group, Gold Coast. In addition to her primary role, she serves on Board of Directors of prominent and well-recognised institutions and entities. She will be the standard bearer for all who follow her as the winner of this award.

The calibre of the candidates for the MTA Queensland’s 2019 Apprentice of Year was excellent, each being an MTA Institute Apprentice of the Month. Kimberley Wallace from Morgan Motors in Emerald, who recently completed a Parts Interpreter apprenticeship, was a standout amongst her peers and was the recipient of the Award and a $2,000 cheque. Kimberley follows trailblazer Sarah Gale from Rego’s Mobile Mechanical Services in Atherton who in 2014 was the first female winner.

The Community Award went to Terrence and Alison Dowling, the co-owners and co-directors of Hertz Mount Isa for their ongoing support for local events and activities through sponsorship, volunteering, and donations. In accepting the Award, Alison emphasised local community and cultural development relied on volunteering. She lends her professional management, board director governance and leadership expertise to any positive community initiative.

We acknowledge and thank the Industry Award Dinner Platinum Supporters – Commonwealth Bank, MTAA Super and CORE SME.

I happily reiterate the comments in last month’s Motor Trader, that four divisions – Automotive Parts Recyclers, Engine Reconditioners, National Auto Collision Alliance, and the Farm and Machinery Dealers each has female representation. They are either owners or co-owners of their respective businesses and will bring to the divisions another perspective to advancing their respective trades or resolving industry concerns.


Each year, there is a formal review of MTA Queensland’s rules. This year, the appraisal identified two changes or amendments required for administration, governance, compliance or correction. The first relates to the tenure for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary of the MTA Queensland Board, including maximum terms. The second relates to reports that are issued after finalising the Association’s elections. These were considered and agreed to at the 15th November 2019 Annual General Meeting. I’m in the process of preparing the proposed amendments for Fair Work Commission approval.

The year is ending with a rush. On the to-do list are four submissions: two pre budget priorities – Australian and Queensland Treasuries; and responses to the Queensland Small Business Strategy discussion paper and the Franchising sector reforms, Regulation Impact Statement. These will be on the website in due course for members’ interest.

The scheduled meeting with the Office of Fair Trading is pending. Attending will be the new Deputy Director General of the Department of Justice and Attorney General Victoria Thompson. This will be a change as we have had a long and professional relationship with David Ford, the now retired Commissioner for Fair Trading and Deputy Director General of the Department. An issue to be canvassed at the meeting is the compulsory Takata airbag recall which the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission refers to as being the most significant recall in Australia’s history.

I was one of 800 who attended the 2019 Not Now, Not Ever Together Breakfast hosted by the Queensland Government. The breakfast featured a Corporates and Community in Conversation panel which shone a spotlight on the experience and achievements of corporate and community organisations in responding to domestic and family violence. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and the Minister for Prevention for Domestic and Family Violence Di Farmer each addressed the gathering.

Small Business Digital Champions

MTA Queensland is now six months into delivering the Australian Government’s Small Business Digital Champions project. The contract extends over two years, requiring the Association to establish ‘a trusted digital advisory service to promote the benefits of ‘going digital’ to members’. This includes providing advice on technical trends and the technology adoption of hardware; software; digital training; online content development; online digital planning and coaching support. Integral to this project is the face-to-face delivery of digital support and advice.

Our six-month report provides progress on the key activities including a survey, workshops, communications, and webinars delivered to members. It includes two case studies of businesses (Carline Enoggera and National Automotive Service Maroochydore) who utilised the benefits of the digital advisory service for their individual needs. In the instance of Carline Enoggera, MTA Queensland was able to assist in improving business processes by building and creating a new updated website. The education and resources provided by MTA Queensland allowed Carline Enoggera to fully embrace their Facebook and Instagram account and take charge of their website, updating specials and information regularly.

I encourage members who are time poor or limited in resources to contact us as it is crucial for businesses in the automotive industry to have an online presence.

Looking forward

In 2020, the focus will be on members and delivering the services that assist with business operations. The bedrock of service delivery to members will continue to be the top-level industrial relations advice, digital support, communications and resources and advocacy. Instrumental in gaining insight into the issues and the service delivery requirements of members will be the Engagement Strategy, commenced in September. It provides the reassurance for members that each business is receiving full value from their membership and is aware of all their entitlements as well as an opportunity for us to hear views relating to the automotive value chain. I’ll be back in the office early in the New Year and will be taking the opportunity of a quiet period to catch-up with members who, like me, may be working.


Christmas and New year for me will be with the immediate and extended family. It is the time the clan gathers in one place (my parents’ home) to enjoy the bond of family, the delights of the table and the surprises under the Christmas tree. My best wishes to all members in every location across Queensland to experience a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year that brings prosperity and peace.

Until February 2020, take care and stay safe.

© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.