July 2019

Employers seek to be members of MTA Queensland because of what it stands for. The Association’s constitution in its Objects define this as advancing and protecting the interests of the motor vehicle industry; advocating and advancing the interests of employers connected with the motor vehicle industry; and encouraging all forms of education and training supporting the development of the motor vehicle industry and associated trades. These are at the heart of our existence, forming the foundation for the actions as diverse as service delivery, workplace relations and technical advice, advocacy and training in the best interests of our membership.

Essential to the actions is their delivery, which pivots on a corporate office of skilled and loyal staff dedicated to achieving the aspirations of the Association and the membership. At a time when society at large demands high standards of transparency and accountability by business and institutions in their operations and customer service obligations, MTA Queensland is ensuring its governance and compliance obligations are of best practice.

The 2019-21 Strategic Plan’s Key Strategy One is ‘service excellence’. This demands a high level of corporate office governance and delivery competence. Longevity of staff equal to a tenure of eight years for all staff, indicates understanding of policies, practices, processes and procedures. This alone is not sufficient. Changing corporate social responsibilities and governance requirements demand ongoing learnings and understandings.

To provide the ‘service excellence’ required under the Association’s 2019-21 Strategic Plan, Chief Financial Officer Kathy Winkcup and I attended a five-day Australian Institute of Company Directors course to gain increased understanding of the duties and obligations associated with governance and accountability. Additionally, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) Kellie Dewar, Kathy Winkcup and Marketing and Communications Manager Lysa Dugandzic attended the Australian Society of Association Executives’ (AuSAE) annual AuSAE conference and exhibition. Its focus was on the concepts and mechanisms for organisations and leaders to create a new sustainable future and yet, uphold tradition.

Vital to the Association’s ongoing sustainability is membership trust in the ethos of the corporate office and confidence in the delivery of the practices, processes and procedures that comprise the many actions. Trust is an earned trait. It is by maintaining up-to-date and relevant knowledge contributing to sound decision making that trust can be ensured. Globally, there has been a breakdown of trust across government, media, business and non-government organisations. A range of factors have contributed to drive trust nationally to five-year lows: the global financial crisis, the pace of technological change, the growing impact of automation on the workforce and the banking royal commission.

The Diary

State Budget

On Tuesday 11 June, the Queensland Budget was delivered. Our pre-budget submission proposed priorities advantageous to the automotive values chain. The good news is that, in general, suggested priorities did emerge in the State Budget. The increase in the payroll tax exemption has been a long-term policy goal and the lift from $1.1 million to $1.3 million for all businesses is welcomed. Introduced too, was a special payroll tax rate of 3.75 per cent (down 1 per cent) for medium-sized regional businesses with a pay roll up to $6.5 million. We were pleased with the training investment of $5.5 million (over three years from 2019-20 to 2021-22) for a Micro-Credentialing Pilot to support industry-led skills development designed to address emerging workforce skills requirements.

Women on Tools

MTA Queensland recently hosted a Women on Tools breakfast during Small Business Week. It was held in our MTA Institute workshop, the organisation of which was a credit to the marketing and communications team. MTA Institute General Manager Paul Kulpa, in his welcome address, indicated there was a lack of tradeswomen representing the automotive workforce. Tradeswomen represented a significantly lower percentage of the automotive workforce with only 2.4 percent of all female apprentices completing their trade in the last 10 years. At a time of significant innovative change in the automotive sector, and a skills shortage, the Association’s objective is to increase opportunities for women and use available Federal and State programs to encourage young female students to consider a career in the motor trades.

IP Australia design system review

Earlier in the year, I attended the Queensland University of Technology Symposium regarding designs law and 3D printing. As a follow up, IP Australia sought a meeting to discuss a review of its designs system. The review’s purpose is to better understand the different roles people play in the designs process, the Australian designs industry more broadly and the role of intellectual property within it. I was keen to contribute from the perspective of issues confronting industry with new technologies, 3D printing, safety, and security of the new fleet.

Industry Meetings

As part of ongoing collaborations with MTAs in other jurisdictions, I met with MTA NSW Chief Executive Officer Stavros Yallouridis to continue to foster the close working relationship. It provided the opportunity to collaborate further on policies and actions mutually beneficial to our membership. Strong and positive progress has been achieved by Stavros and his team for MTA NSW members and the wider automotive value chain.

I attended an Australian Automotive Dealer Association (QLD) meeting which coincided with the appointment of James Voortman as the new CEO of AADA (national). James takes over from the respected David Blackhall who held the position from June 2016 and led the Association through a period of disruption. David will continue in an advisory and consultancy role until the end of 2019. On behalf of MTA Queensland I wish both James and David the best in their respective roles.

In the coming weeks, meetings have been scheduled with some elected candidates ensuing from the recent Federal poll to discuss training and automotive issues. This follows the letters of congratulations and invitation to visit our corporate office.

Challenges and opportunities

A significant achievement for the Association is the finalisation of the Australian Research Council Training Centre Agreement. This relates to the ARC Training Centre for Multiscale 3D Imaging, Modelling and Manufacturing. It is a five-year project to be overseen by Professor Mark Knackstedt from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering. MTA Queensland considers it to be one of the largest and most exciting projects relevant to the automotive industry.


The MTAiQ hub was established in November 2017 and whilst young, still needs to align with MTA Queensland’s goals and industry requirements. To ensure compatibility with the 2019-21 Strategic Plan, the MTAiQ’s purpose has been reviewed to emphasise being connected to, engaging and working with members. The new MTAiQ purpose statement is ‘to lead innovation and provide solutions for industry to navigate emerging disruption.’ Coinciding with this, MTA Queensland is delivering a Small Business Digital Champion Project, designed to assist members in going digital.

And the last thing

It is an honour to support Youngcare, MTA Queensland’s chosen charity partner. Recently, I went to Youngcare’s Wooloowin Share House’ 4th birthday, celebrating with all the appropriate trimmings and good wishes. The highlight was the turning of the sod for Stage 2. This is for another innovative share house for young people with disabilities, enabling them to live together in a supported environment that enables choice, individuality and flexibility. Our Cars and Coffee events, held in the car park of our corporate office, support Youngcare. 25 August is the next Cars and Coffee outing.

My priority focus for the next month is the end of the financial year responsibilities and obligations and preparing for the delivery of the new approach detailed in the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan.

Until next month, as Henry Ford, the industrialist and founder of the Ford motor company said, ‘execute ideas with enthusiasm . . . as it is the bottom of all progress’.

Source: Motor Trader E-Magazine (July 2019)

8 Jul 2019

© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.