March 2019

The might and extent of the recent spate of natural disasters cast technological advancement and artificial intelligence into a shadow. These may help with initial preparation and the aftermath of such events but will not stop huge rainfall, nor make it rain on droughted country or cease cyclonic winds. Throughout the devasting experiences endured by many Queenslanders, human resilience and community spirit was evident. Governments, corporate Australia and the general population have been generous donors to enable the great rebuild of suburbs, communities, infrastructure, services and industry.

The MTA Queensland has members directly or indirectly impacted by the natural disasters – whether it by flood, drought, bushfires, supercell storms or cyclones. In relation to the recent floods in Townsville and the North West, our staff spoke with members to inquire about their wellbeing in a personal and business sense. There was a mixed response ranging from limited to severe impacts. To help with the rebuild, our websites detail the government grants and programs available. These are important, as is our help and thoughts for all in the mammoth recovery process.

Strategic Plan 2019-20

At all times, our members are our ‘priority’. At the third quarterly meeting of the financial year, the focus was on the Strategic Plan and its interrelation with the membership. In all, seven strategies form the Strategic Plan. Each is underpinned by actions and associated measures that ensure transparency and accountability for the delivery of each action. The prime strategy has the membership as the ‘key priority’ – Service Excellence. I share with members three key actions for this strategy we will be pursuing across the year. These include: demonstrating a culture that recognises members and clients as the core of the organisation; through effective consultation, understand the drivers of industry and influence policy that supports our members’ businesses; and deliver purposeful and on-going engagement.

One action measure is survey evidence and industry feedback. Currently, this is in the form of the Group Report Card (GRC). All corporate office’s practices and processes are tabulated and presented in the GRC to the MTA Queensland Board at each quarterly meeting and posted on the website.

Accompanying strategies that form the Strategic Plan are: corporate social responsibility; creativity and innovation; business and excellence; expand our profile; workforce and skilling solutions; and grow and diversify. Each strategy is underpinned by the actions to be pursued and the measures of their delivery and the expected outcomes.

The second strategic goal – corporate social responsibility – is embedded in our administrative and business operations. We must constantly be alert to processes and practices that have economic, social and environmental implications. Actions that underpin this strategy are diverse and include: establish a green team; minimise unnecessary travel; business decisions are underpinned by environmental, social and economic sustainability; create opportunities for women in automotive and for disadvantaged young adults.

A new action under the corporate and social responsibility strategy, and one that the MTA Queensland Board is keen to pursue, is the ‘provision of scholarships for tradespersons to become trainers for industry’. The proposed scholarships will be uniquely aligned to the MTA Queensland and builds on the MTA Institute’s (MTAI) awards. These scholarships are timely due to the significant technological transformations occurring across all facets of the automotive value chain and at a time when, within the vocational educational sector, there is a lack of definition about the prerequisites for prospective students to succeed in the automotive vocation.

Operating within the MTA Queensland Rules

The bedrock of the Association is the MTA Queensland constitution, registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (ROC Act). It is essential to comply with both our Rules and the ROC Act. The MTA Queensland Board spent some time on what may be referred to as ‘housekeeping’ matters or, in other words, succession planning. This involved the applications pending for the 2019 MTA Queensland elections: Elections Committee; Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary for divisions of Automotive Remarketing; Engine Re-Conditioners Association; Service Station and Convenience Store Association; Rental Vehicle Industry; and Auto Party Recyclers; Far North Queensland and Central Queensland representatives and for the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary of the MTA Queensland Board.

Carmageddon ‘New World Mobility’

Carmageddon3 ‘New World Mobility – the prime forum to promote understanding of the emerging technologies transforming mobility at the Sir Jack Brabham Automotive Centre of Excellence on Thursday 21 March – has been oversubscribed. Initially, 100 places were available, but the interest was such that the sitting arrangements were reconfigured for 150 places. If you’ve registered for this free forum and are unable to attend, please let our staff know as there is a waiting list! Details of the forum, including the distinguished guest presenters, are on the MTA Queensland website. As said in a previous monthly message, the forum will be opened by the Federal Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Hon Karen Andrews.

Of much interest at Caramageddon3 will be the electric and other powered motor vehicles exhibition located in our Innovation Hub. The ACE EV Group, which won the MTA Queensland 2018 Innovation Award, will have its commercial ACE Cargo on display. The best part is that the ACE Cargo is an Australian built electric commercial vehicle and model is assembled in our (the MTA Queensland) workshop! ACE Cargo will be launched nationally on 2nd April at the Sydney International Convention centre.


MTA Queensland has developed the reputation for collaborative relationships with diverse stakeholders that includes interstate Motor Trade Associations (MTAs), federal and state departments and agencies, industry organisations and universities. This is done directly through one-on-one consultations or indirectly through electronic communications and submissions. Invitations to speak at national and state industry automotive events and meeting engagements to discuss automotive chain issues are indicative of successful engagement on motor trades matters. In the near future, there will be discussions with interstate MTAs on closer collaboration.

The Diary

At the end of month (27-28th March) is the 9th Annual Australian Health Care Week to which I’ve been invited to be a participant on an expert panel. The purpose is to discuss the role of autonomous vehicles (AV) for the health care sector with health professionals and academics. As a precursor to the conference, I was asked to respond in writing to a range of questions relevant to the application of AV to health care.

WorkCover Queensland has invited the Association as a stakeholder to a presentation and discussion on its 2018-22 Corporate Plan – to make ‘a difference to people’s lives through partnerships’. I attended a similar event last year and look forward to hearing progress on the plan and to participate in the discussion.

MTAA Superannuation (MTAA Super) is one of our Corporate Partners and the donor of the $2,000 MTA Institute Apprentice of the Year Award. Recently, MTAA Super media interviewed me on a wide range of automotive and training issues for one of its future feature publications.

Last year, the MTA Queensland was a partner in the Myriad Festival with its popular Garage which had on display the Micro-olli and the Flying Car framework. For 2019, an innovation and technology event named QODE has replaced the Myriad Festival. MTA Queensland is not an official partner in this event due to our earlier undertaking for Carmageddon 3 as the leading innovation and technology forum for the automotive value chain. However, we will have presence at QODE and I am to take part in a discussion, along with a group of respected experts and futurists, on ‘next generation transportation’. It should be very enlightening.

And the last thing

Just a little scoop. The MTA Institute Board of Directors Chairman Ian Lawrence has advised that he will retire in the near future. Since commencing the role in August 2014, he has given valued service and strong leadership ensuring that the MTA Institute remained the largest private provider of automotive apprenticeship and training in Queensland. The Board has developed a succession plan that will be executed in the coming months . . . watch this space.

Until next month, as Henry Ford, the industrialist and the founder of the Ford motor company said, ‘execute ideas with enthusiasm . . . as it is the bottom of all progress’.

© Copyright - MTA Queensland

MTA Queensland acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work- the Yugambeh and Yuggera people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. In the spirit of reconciliation, we will continue to work with traditional custodians to support the health and wellbeing of community.